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Orange & Mint Chocolates

  • MEVALIA Chocotino/ Vitabite 100 g
  • orange or mint extract ¼ tsp

To make the chocolates:

  1. Small silicone chocolate moulds of your choice.
  2. Selection of different coloured foil wrappers 

Makes 8 to 10 chocolates. 

1. Break the MEVALIA Chocotino/ Vitabite into small pieces and place into a glass bowl.

2. Sit the glass bowl over a pan of water and slowly bring to a gentle simmer.

3. As soon as the chocolate has melted remove from the heat.

4. Add the flavour extract of your choice and stir well using a plastic or silicone spoon.

5. Pour the chocolate into the silicone moulds and scrape any excess away to give a clean finish.

6. Allow to chill in the fridge for 30 minutes before removing from the moulds.

7. Wrap in coloured foils or eat as they are.


 Hint: The chocolates are best kept out of the fridge and stored in a cool dark place, consume within 2 weeks.

Nutritional values
  • MEVALIA Chocotino/ Vitabite 100 g
  • orange or mint extract ¼ tsp
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